Have you ever felt a knot in your stomach the moment you are faced with the unknown?
That creeping sense of unease when you can’t quite see what’s waiting around the corner? It’s that sinking feeling when everything slips just beyond your control, and even the thought of what you’re supposed to do becomes a blur. It’s unsettling — especially when you’re young, still learning how the world works and how you fit into it.
The truth is, we’re rarely taught how to understand or manage our emotions. Growing up, we tend to notice the symptoms more than the causes — the tightness in our chest, the restlessness, the overthinking. But we don’t always know why they’re happening.
Like so many teenagers and people in their twenties, I’ve felt this, too. The whirlwind of change, the weight of expectations — it all builds up. And over time, I’ve come to recognize this feeling for what it is: anxiety. Specifically, the kind of anxiety that’s triggered by uncertainty — when the unknown looms large, and the lack of clarity leaves you grasping for a sense of control.
It’s not easy, but acknowledging it is the first step toward understanding and managing it.
Life can be overwhelming. Sometimes we don’t have the luxury of planning everything out, and unexpected events blindside us. These moments of uncertainty can stir up intense anxiety and stress. But here’s the thing: feeling anxious in the face of uncertainty is completely normal. It’s a common human experience we all go through at some point.
Like animals, we perceive uncertainty as a potential threat — and our bodies react accordingly. Our minds race to predict outcomes, our hearts beat faster, and our muscles tense up, preparing us for fight or flight. But unlike animals, we don’t always have an immediate danger to face — often, it’s the unknown itself that unsettles us. And that’s where the challenge lies: learning to navigate this discomfort without letting it consume us.
Also, there are actually benefits to embracing uncertainty and change. It might sound counterintuitive, but it’s true. Some positive outcomes that can arise from facing the unknown are:
2. New Beginnings
3. Greater Confidence
4. New Experience Opportunities
5. Resilience
6. Refined problem-solving skills
“Uncertainty is the only certainty there is, and knowing how to live with insecurity is the only security.” — John Allen Paulos
Over time, I’ve worked on this issue and tried several techniques to help me cope better. It took a decent amount of reading and a lot of effort to understand my trigger points. Through this process, I discovered strategies that actually work. While the first one — identifying and being aware of the anxiety — is absolutely essential, the others are practical tools that help manage uncertainty and adapt to change more smoothly.
1. Don’t resist: Fighting against uncertainty often makes it worse. Try to accept that some things are out of your control.
2. Invest in yourself: Use uncertain times as an opportunity for self-improvement and learning.
3. Move from expectations to actions: Instead of worrying about what might happen, focus on what you can do right now.
4. Practice mindfulness: Stay present in the moment rather than getting lost in “what-ifs”. I know it can be challenging, but apps like Insight Timer have greatly helped me in practicing mindfulness.
5. Find healthy comfort items: Identify positive coping mechanisms that bring you comfort without being harmful.
6. Don’t believe everything you think: Our minds can often exaggerate negative possibilities. Challenge your thoughts.
7. Find meaning in the chaos: Look for lessons or silver linings in difficult situations.
8. Set achievable goals: Maintain a sense of control by focusing on small, manageable tasks.
9. Show strength by seeking support: Remember, it’s okay to ask for help when you need it.
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